140 Characters or Less: Twitter’s Struggle To Stay Relevant
Twitter has had a pretty interesting history. It taught us to how to be concise and brief in our thoughts. It has ...Social Snacking: The Facebook Epidemic
When friends – real, live friends, not “Facebook Friends” – told me about Facebook a few years ago and urged me to ...A Samsung Smart Car In The Future?
Korean electronics giant Samsung does not want to get left behind as the auto industry accelerates into the 21st century. It has announced ...Wearables: Apple Or Android Wear?
Smart watches are an easy way to keep up with everything you are doing on the go. Apple and Android make them ...Billionaires Behind Bars
Who wants to be a billionaire? It seems that it takes a lot more to obtain the financial ecstasy that is dreamt ...How The Democratic Presidential Candidates Are Holding Up
While Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton are definitely the front-runners of this Democratic race, the other three potential presidents made waves in ...Are Millenials Financial Slaves?
Do you have student loans, a job, a car loan, or a new Mortgage? In other words, are you a millennial? Congratulations!! ...College: Where Your Dreams Turn To Debt
“Go to college,” they said, “Follow your dreams,” they said. 22-year-old Amy reminisced on all the stories she was told during her ...Still Thinking About Law School?
When did I receive my wakeup call? I was sitting in my office. My student loan summary was resting on my desk ...What Does Multicultural Mean Anymore?
For citizens born in America, the term “multicultural” tends to sit on a spectrum of meanings, usually connotation something good. For many, ...