Previously we’ve tried some interesting spirits, but this week I decided to change it up a little bit. My beer drinkers are going to love this one, especially if you are an IPA drinker. Personally, I don’t particularly care for IPA’s but “The Drinking Mans Game” doesn’t shy away from trying all types of liquors, spirits and beers.
Before I discuss this week’s drink option, lets briefly discuss what an IPA for those less familiar. IPA stands for India Pale Ale and the creation of this beer has a pretty interesting story. The British invented IPA’s during their attempt to colonize India. They would send beer to their troops but due to the long trips the beer would spoil. So the British added more hops (grains) and increased the alcohol content. These additions are what created IPA’s as we know them today.
Okay, now that we’ve gotten our history lesson out of the way, lets talk booze! Esthetics is a huge part of my process when I chose a new drink, sprinkle in pop culture references and you might as well take my money immediately. This weeks review is the craft beer Bully Juice by Bolero Snort Brewery. Bolero Snort takes a unique approach with their Bully Juice by merging their signature bull theme with the movie Beetle Juice. When I saw the can, all I could think of was Day-O, Day-O, day light come and me want to go home. I literally was walking through the liquor store humming the Banana Boat Song. I even played it on the way home from the liquor store and considering queuing up the movie.
As I mentioned earlier, I am normally not too fond of IPA’s. This is due to the extremely hoppy flavor that most IPA’s tend to possess. I have to say though, Bully Juice is definitely palatable. If you are a recurrent IPA drinker, I’m confident this is for you. Bully Juice is a double dried IPA that offers the classic taste that IPA’s tend to offer. For me it was a challenge to provide a taste note for Bully Juice, but I will say that it has a spicy finish. I would recommend trying this as a precursor to your Friday night or if you plan on having a lite evening. At $14 for four 1-pint cans, Bully Juice is priced slightly higher but definitely worth a try in my opinion.
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