Breathing. It’s as simple as that. Or so complex that one can get lost in its simplicity.
Before you continue to read, take a moment and close your eyes .. think back to the time when you felt an intense emotion. Close your eyes… think back …
Did you notice your breath?
Chances are that regardless of the memory being happy or otherwise, if your imagination did justice then you might have either held your breath or taken a long sigh. Or both.
This is what happens, we hold our breath every time, even for a micro second when something uncomfortable comes up. Whenever we see a child fall or when someone misses a step, we are startled… check your breath… yup … we stop breathing, just for that moment.
What is this magical part of us and yet not part of us, voluntary or forever on auto-pilot?
Scientists have long realized that there is a lot more to breathing than mere exchange of gases to oxygenate blood . Disciplines such as Yoga and Meditation now have more practitioners than there ever before.
Breath is a bridge between the mind and the body, between the conscious and the subconscious. Breathing in a particular pattern encourages the energy to flow to different tensed up areas and to their underlying negative emotions. There are countless emotions that we feel all day long, some more intense than others. How do we process all this emotion, most of which we can’t even readily name?
Breathing acts as a silent communicator between the body and the subconscious. Think of it as your personal assistant whose job is to process and file away emotions and relevant thoughts safely in a manner which can be retrieved as needed. Left unchecked, it develops its own filing system that if you do not familiarize yourself with, will result eventually in chaotic feelings and behavior whose source we are often unaware.
This is what we have conditioned ourselves to do. The feelings are there , the emotions are there , we just don’t want to feel them, we are not validating our feelings that allow us to move on , we suppress them , we ignore them and we talk ourselves out of our feelings and by doing so we tend to compound our feelings into our body and hence manifesting into all sorts of physical as well as mental aliments such as ulcers, migraines, heart problems , stress , insomnia ,weight issues, anxiety , fears and phobias to cite a few .
During a well-integrated session ,these areas are brought to the surface and released, resulting in a deep sense of inner cleanse on all levels of being; physical , emotional, mental as well as spiritual . Many people experience the sessions as spiritually empowering, Breathwork also stimulates longer brainwaves than normal sleep state. It helps the “breather” into a meditative or transcendent state of consciousness.
Breathwork is an intensely powerful and a safe healing tool that utilizes our breath to emphasize the presence of trauma, giving rise to unexpressed emotions that are bound within the muscular tension. The emotional discharge with full bodily involvement cleanses the slate, so to speak, for a more satisfying and productive life. The therapist encourages and concentrates on supporting whatever is already spontaneously trying to happen. It is a highly subjective process in which no two session are alike, nor do individuals have the same experience. In fact, often participants will find it challenging describing the experience to the uninitiated.
Once your inner state changes, your external reality follows…
Afshan has been a Gulf resident for over 10 years. She is a Clinical Hypnotherapist , Psychotherapist , NLP Practitioner , Well Being Counselor. As a Breathwork therapist , she has earned a keen following not only in Dubai also internationally.
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