Like a Girl and Proud


A little simple phrase and a little comment goes a long way.

A tousle of words that you’re doing something “like a girl” can be quite insulting for young girls who are trying to find their way in life throughout their adolescent years. With the constant battle between themselves vs. the world’s stereotypes, confidence isn’t all there as it should be.

On the 26th of June the feminine hygiene product brand, Always, launched a YouTube video “Always #LikeAGirl”, kicking off their project to raise confidence of girls everywhere throughout puberty and beyond. Being experts on empowering girls globally with education for the past 30 years, Always, is at it again.

Their collaboration with documentarian Lauren Greenfield who’s work is predominantly focused on gender, self-esteem and empowerment of girls, has already brought over 20 million views and countless shares on Facebook and Twitter. Greenfield says, “When the words ‘like a girl’ are used to mean something bad, it is profoundly disempowering. I am proud to partner with Always to shed light on how this simple phrase can have a significant and long-lasting impact on girls and women. I am excited to be a part of the movement to redefine ‘like a girl’ into a positive affirmation.”

The essential part of this is to inspire, to push girls to believe that doing anything “like a girl” should never be insulting but something positive because guess what world!? They are girls.

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