Michael Jordan’s Last Contract is Up For Sale


Michael Jordan. The GOAT of the NBA. Fans save his jerseys, hang up his posters, frame his autographs, collect memorabilia – that’s what happens when you are a walking legend.  Now imagine if you had the chance to own the last contract MJ every signed with the Chicago Bull.

Darren Rovell of ESPN informed the sports world of their chance at putting their imagination to rest and making it a reality via Dallas-based Heritage Auctions:

“The Chicago Bulls’ original copy of Michael Jordan’s $33 million contract – the most valuable single-season contract in NBA history – has hit the auction block.

The contract is signed by Jordan, himself, and initialed by him on each of its 24 pages. It’s also signed by Jerry Krause, former Bulls general manager, and Irving Mandel, the man in charge of the Bulls’ finances. The lot also includes a two-page cover letter from Mandel to the NBA.”

Bidding closes July 31st and according to Rovell, “already has topped $28,000” and is estimated to be worth $30,000.

Anyone else care to place a bid?

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