PAX & American Rag Cie Is More Than Just A Good Time

This past week, I was honored to be one of many style savvy individuals in the Los Angeles area to be invited to the launch of PAX Labs, Inc.’s PAX 2, which will now be carried within the 2 trend setting American Rag Cie store locations here in California.
Pax Labs, Inc. (Formerly Ploom) was founded in 2007 and came out with their first vaporizing instrument not too long after. Now that the vape industry is really taking off and the public is really taking well to the idea of smoking in a much cleaner, safer, and satisfying way, Pax has now developed two new innovative products; the PAX 2 and the Juul. At the launch event, party goers were able to purchase the Pax 2 and get their very own design or name engraved complimentary on the back. The Juul was available for free with just an email sign-up.
The PAX 2 is such an amazing vaporizing instrument. Its approximately the size of your palm in a long 3 dimensional rectangular shape. The device is extremely non-to-script. There’s a small compartment in the bottom that you can open and place any tobacco or herb selection of your choice. You can then change the heat selection by pressing a small button on the side of the vaporizer and you’ll see the PAX logo light up to judge your selection. After doing so, just simply inhale from a small sliver on the top of the instrument. After watching this in action, I was completely blown away. This was the coolest vaporizer I have seen yet. The rep even showed me how you can make the vaporizer light up for a cool party mood and even mentioned that you could play games with it! Now that is such a cool device. It retails for $279.99 and comes in 4 different colors with different colored mouthpieces that you purchase also. Worth every penny!
The Juul, PAX’s interpretation of the e-cig holds up to PAX’s leading innovation legacy as well. This small instrument, about the size of a long USB, is extremely sleek and non-to-script as well. Similar to a vaporizer, the Juul comes with 4 different flavored cartridges that you can switch between; Fruut, Mint, Bruule, and Tobacco. It also comes with a removable mini USB that you can plug in to any USB port for charging. All in all, the Juul averages about a pack of your normal cigarettes. Again, this is a much cleaner, sleeker and inexpensive way to smoke. PAX Labs, Inc. has noticed how well the vaporizing industry has skyrocketed and wanted to do something a little different to appeal to a whole new crowd. They decided to dive head first into the fashion world and show that smoking can be something fashionable, trendy and fun. This past fashion week in NYC, models were seen using the new PAX 2 device outside and backstage. Ads can be seen within your latest fashion magazines.
Their partnership with American Rag Cie was such an amazing move in my opinion. American Rag is known for their highly unique, trend savvy, and high life approach to retailing. All of which was definitely evident at the launch party last night. The guest in attendance at last night’s event were individuals that had their own style, understood fashion, and knew that style isn’t just what you’re wearing but more about a lifestyle. Pairing vintage pieces with high-end designer accessories or shoes, all attendees had a look to set them apart and make a statement. The crowd was a younger, new age savvy group that was destined to have a good time. The party was equipped with an open bar and light bites being passed around throughout the night. SOSUPERSAM was spinning remixes to your favorite current and past hits which set the mood. Mark Hunter COBRASNAKE was taking photos of the rad crowd as they partied, networked, shopped and enjoyed each other’s company while celebrating PAX Labs, Inc.’s new products.
A great launch, wrapping up around 10p.m. I left feeling satisfied by the extremely fun environment. Filled with knowledge about these amazing new devices and completely inspired by the fashion and life styles of the individuals that I had just encountered!
I highly recommend everyone go online and check out these Pax vaporizers and American Rag Cie!
Links are listed below!
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