Bernard Hopkins is to boxing what Jeff Gordon is to NASCAR. Longevity is such a huge factor in both worlds, and BHop has exceeded all expectations, still looking for his final fight at the age of 50. In a land where boxers are really pushing it after 40, Bernard is a freak of nature. The man is in the best shape of his life, and has no reason to let up. A man who doesn’t drink or smoke, and is more fit than most people half his age, he is the picture of what every pro athlete should be. But, Bernard is a man in his own category, leading the way in not only boxing, but also promoting. In the midst of a successful career that has taken him to many world championships, he joined Golden Boy, and has slowly taken charge of the East Coast. Although incredibly busy and always on the run, he is also one of the top analysts of the game. But you shouldn’t be shocked – that’s Bernard.
We checked in with him this year, discussing life, politics, and this year’s top fights, learning much more than we anticipated. Bernard is an insightful and colorful guy, always knowing exactly what to say, as well keeping you interested. It’s rare for an athlete to be so eloquent and engaging, as well as intelligent. Yet, after the childhood and early life that Bernard had, he vowed to change not only his career, but also path around. Now, more than two decades later, he is coming to a storied time in boxing, and beginning a flourishing new one in the world outside of it. Whether it is in the ring or out, this man really has a penchant for stirring the pot and making you think. Who will he fight at 50 years old for one last fight? Will he one day take over Golden Boy from Oscar de le Hoya? When is the Bernard Hopkins documentary coming out? What is the next mask that ‘The Alien’ will wear in the ring? All these questions and more will be answered on the next episode of ‘Life with BHop’.
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