The Death of Robin Williams From a Psychological Perspective


After learning of the death of the legendry comic, Robin Williams, authorities suggested they believe the death was an alleged suicide; the Marin County Sherriff’s Office confirmed that yesterday revealing that Williams death was a suicide by hanging. The actor/comedian also had recent but superficial cut marks on his left wrist and a pocketknife was found near his body, with a dried substance resembling blood.

It is likely that the full autopsy report will take weeks, approximately two to six, to complete in order to determine whether or not Williams had any drugs or alcohol in his system at his time of death.

There is no knowledge as to whether Williams left a note, but it is well known now, and confirmed by Marin County’s Assistant Chief Deputy Coroner, Keith Boyd, that Williams had been suffering from severe depression but Boyd did not disclose the treatment Williams was receiving for depression.

Dr. Bart Rossi, PhD, Clinical/Political Psychologist was featured on News 12 yesterday afternoon to share his findings on the late actors depression and possible reason for suicide.

 “He has most likely had a longstanding personality disorder.  Psychologists call it a borderline personality.  His depression, alcohol problems, and drug issues in the past were responsible for overriding his will to live.  Even though he was so successful in life. He managed to have his odd, quirky personality become remarkably funny and enduring.  He was brilliant and yet terribly ill with psychological/mental health problems his whole life. No matter how smart or capable, even famous, someone may be this highlights the importance of psychological treatment and mental health intervention.”

-Bart Rossi, PhD Clinical/Political Psychologist

Robin Williams’ death is truly a tragedy and has affected the world in ways we will never forget. Our thoughts are with his family during this rough time.  His friends and fans will always remember him as the funny, joyous man he portrayed on screen.  Now, with his death making such an impact it is hopeful that individuals worldwide will remain aware of the severity depression can lead to, for themselves or anyone else around them who may be suffering.

A force of manic power, Williams has been well known as one of the world’s most adored comedians for centuries. He always took his audiences on wild rides of imagination that stressed one minimal message: Seize the day.

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