The World Of Haute Culture


New York Fashion Week, the styles of the season, the hot color for fall. We’re used to this world of haute couture applied to clothing. But there is also a market ­ huge, elite, and perhaps even more competitive, for jewelry.

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Companies like Yael Designs and Simon G. Jewelry are just two of the myriad companies that are treating jewelry as wearable art.
It’s exactly the same as haute couture for clothing ­ there are the celebrated designers, they come out with collections based on the season, and there is an elite group of people who choose to invest in jewelry as collectors.

Every year, JCK Magazine hosts the industry’s biggest show in Las Vegas, where all of the designers create stunning displays to show their latest collections and stand­alone, unique pieces.

There are also industry awards, the most prestigious of them being the JCK Jeweler’s Choice Awards. Spanning all categories, price ranges, and even occasions, having a JCK award under your belt as a jewelry designer means you’ve entered a realm far above what the average
consumer imagines when they think of fine jewelry.

To give you an idea of exactly how intricate haute jewelry can be, Yael Saketkhou of Yael Designs spent close to three years collecting diamonds of all colors, to be woven into a bracelet costing over $50,000. It was sent to a store the minute it was finished, and was snapped up by a collector immediately.

This is the quietly impactful world of haute jewelry design, a world perhaps even more diverse and elite industry than that of haute couture.

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