Many brands are using multiple facets to connect with their customers and audiences. Specifically sneaker brands, who will do sponsored events where they will give away free merch like bags, socks, headbands, and other miscellaneous items. Very rarely do you see these brands offering their higher end products as giveaways to the attendees of these events. And if I am being honest as a frequenter of many of them, normally these events are pretty typical and routine. They usually showcase a new item that is launching with hopes to drive sales and excitement around what is coming. Nike of course went astray from that directly, with their now annual Air Max Day event, but it still showcases the history of one of the brands flagship silhouettes. This was and has been the standard for brands for so long, well at least most brands.
This is where Vans steps in and completely changes the complexion upon how brands interact with the supporters and buyers. Vans “House of Vans” series is almost unparalleled when it comes to its industry. I recently attended my first House of Vans event which is a culmination of so many things just related to the culture. For starters there is very little product or merch being pushed upon you as an attendee which is almost unheard of for when it comes to a product based brand. Secondly the event is almost more of a mini festival housed in certain Vans locations. These House of Vans events contain art, drinks, food, displays, and some of today’s hottest artist performing. Once again this far from what you expect when attending an event related to clothing, sportswear, and sneakers. The craziest part is it’s not like a one-off thing. It’s not even monthly. Vans has this lined up for almost every week throughout June and July with different artists, from different genres every week. It’s truly an experience I highly recommend to anyone lucky enough to attend.
This did get me thinking though. The edge Vans has, is being such a universal brand and can pretty much have anyone perform. Where some of the other brands have a select roster of artists to pull from; base from whom they work with and collaborate with. But, maybe these other brands should steal a page from Vans’ book with this. Nike and Jordan have had tons of artists related to its brand, why not have something music and or fashion related for the public correlated to the brand? Adidas current roster consisting of many G.O.O.D Music artists as well as Pharrell, would possibly create a venue similar to the Glow in the Dark tour. Even Reebok has a slew of musicians related to the brand at the moment, with MMG artist, Swizz Beatz behind the helm and a recent shoe with Cam’ron. This is definitely something they may want to consider dabbling in. But, until they do just understand Vans is the first one really doing something as such, and they are doing it flawlessly. Like I said before if you get a chance to attend please do because the House of Vans series will definitely be a night to remember.
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